Sunday, June 29, 2008

Di Basta Basta!

The title of my blog is the theme of Nehemiah Teams for the summer. It is Cebuano for "It isn't easy". That is so fitting in some ways for this summer. It is never easy to go to a place so foreign from what you are used to. But, I think a better word for it is "Awkward". We have been through so many awkward situations but God has given me two amazing team members to go through everything with! They have helped in so many ways!!! This past week went by pretty fast. But, time is a weird thing here. It seems to go by fast but slow all at one time. IT seems like I have been here forever. But, time is going fairly quickly most of the time.

Last weekend after I wrote on here the girls and I went over the mall to do some shopping. We bought some things and then caught a taxi back to the orphanage. It was interesting because the driver out of nowhere started asking us if we thought we were going to heaven. We were kind of exciting thinking we would get an opportunity to tell him about Jesus. However, he was catholic and started talking about some really STRANGE things. He also would ask us a question and then when we tried to answer he would cut us off. He was yelling he was so loud. And, he also did a segment on how much he hated Bush and America. It was a little nerve racking. I went away with the realization that I have the answer and I want to tell people what it is. But, not everyone wants to hear it. Some people are convinced they have the right answer and they don't want to hear you tell them you disagree. He even said,"I am glad we can all just "respect" each other's views. But, the problem is....I don't really respect his views. I feel bad for him because he is so unwilling to change his mind set or open himself up to something different. We were wishing we had something to leave with him that maybe he would read and pay attention to later. But, once again we didn't. I am still praying for him. That maybe he will be open to someone having a conversation with him about his views on things. The guy even admitted he didn't know if he would go to heaven or hell and he just didn't care. I hate the reality that some people don't care! I wish that man cared. I know he will care one day. But, it was pretty funny. We had washed our laundry at SArah's house and it was still wet when we put it in the laundry bag. We had to carry the heavy, wet bag through the mall with us. It was kind of embarassing. lol.

Tuesday and Wednesday we painted the Bethlehem room. It looks really nice. We also finished painting the wall at the school last week. This week I think we are going to tackle the Zion house. Also, pray hard for me July 8-10 because they are letting all of the workers at the orphanage go and letting me, Sarah and Cameron along with the help of four missionaries take over everything. I will be completely in charge of the girls. It makes me nervous. But, I am so glad we can give the workers a break. They haven't had one since starting work and some have been working for seven years! I can't even imagine!

This past week we started having coffee most mornings. I really am starting to like Coffee. Somedays I need it to wake me up! Lol. But, I am surprised that I like it. I think anything here that has a taste is a good thing. Most of the food is bland. Cameron even said last week that her "taste buds were back". She said she was about to start thinking they didn't exist anymore! HAHA!

THis week held a lot of injuries for me! HAHA! I am so clumsy sometimes. Last Monday was really embarassing. I was talking to Cameron (and wasn't watching where I was going) and I ran smack into a road sign. Those things are SO sharp and hard! Lol. I cut my head and got a huge knot and bruise on it. It still hurts! Also, on Wednesday I was moving the fan in the girls room. It was going full blast. I got my pinky finger jammed in it and the fan chopped it pretty good! It hurt so bad! But, luckily, I still have a finger! Lol. Then on Thursday I was standing out in the yard. The boys were playing a game where they were throwing rocks at each other (which is fairly normal since they don't have any toys). And I got right in the line of fire without knowing it. One hit me really hard in the leg and immediately bruised up and I got a big welp. haha. Yesterday I was walking through an arcade looking for Rusty. I saw him and was like,"YAY, there you are Rusty" ( I had been looking for a while) when I just completely tripped on the pavement and almost face planted it. I caught myself though. Rusty was nice enough not to laugh but I felt like a big loser! Lol

THe kids here are so fascinated with the size of my nose. One of the kids said,"You have a big nose. Like Pinnoccio" haha. I mean, it definitely wasn't a compliment. But, I didn't really care. They aren't used to noses like mine. Those kids will definitely humble you at times. I am completely blown away at how independent they are though. I guess they have to be. At the age of five they are already doing everything for themselves. The way they eat still kind of makes me cringe though. They are required to eat everything on their plate and they cannot waste anything. If they drop rice on the table or on the floor they HAVE to pick it up and eat it or they will be punished. I was really stunned the first time MJ saw me drop rice on the floor and she picked it up and put it back on my plate! HAHA. MJ takes care of ME somedays. I am just like,"No, I am supposed to take care of you!" lol. She will see I need something and she will go get it for me. She is so sweet. Although, last week during our "dawn prayer" I awoke at 3:30 AM. I walked/stumbled into the other room to meet the girls and felt something wet under my feet. I looked down and then looked at Nanay. She made a disgusted face and told me I was standing in MJ's urine. It was so gross!!!

But, God is teaching me to be laid back more than ever. Nothing ever goes as I plan and I just have had to learn to shrug and be okay with it. I don't get too upset about small things anymore. Which is REALLY good. There are still sometimes when I cringe and wish that things were a little more organized. But, God is teaching me things about patience and being laid back and easygoing. You kind of have to be here.

God is also showing me that missions is a cross. We read the story of Amy Carmichael this past week and I loved two of her quotes. They said this:

"O to be delivered from half-hearted missionaries! Don't come if you mean to turn aside for anything. Don't come if you haven't made up your mind to live for one thing=the winning of souls."

"Dear, you are coming to a battlefield. You cannot spend too much time with him alone You are soldiers and soldiers don't ask for ease or expect it. You are warriors, and when did warriors ask for an easy time? or no wound? or no heart-breaks?"

God really spoke to me this week about how missions is not easy. It is all about taking up your cross and being crucified to yourself. It is about putting aside the American dream, that white picket fence and cute house you've always wanted. It's about leaving behind those you love. It's about sacrifice. It is a cross. I used to think it would be "hard" but it would be ok. God has opened my eyes to the realization that is hard and painful. But, it is worth it in the end. And, He has shown me that I really shouldn't be here if I can't handle a little dirt, sweat and hard work. That is what it takes. If something small will turn you aside from doing what God is calling you to that is not good! God is showing me so much here.

I am also amazed at the kids. They have been taken from rough conditions. Some of them were wandering the streets. And now they are beautiful children who love the Lord. And, I loook at that and am amazed at what God can do in people's lives. He really can transform us! And, He transformed these kids because of someone's faithfulness to His call on their lives. It just blows me away!

Last week the girls put on a talent show for me. It was so cute. They are all so talented. It cracks me up because they can't speak english but they watch american movies (yes, mom, the movies here are in english). So, they can sing all the songs from Highschool Musical or Lizzie McGuire but they cannot communicate with me! HAHA! MJ busted out her beat box. It CRACKED ME UP! She is so hilarious. I have taught her to make a heart with there hands and every night before we go to bed we signal one to each other. Cameron started trying to do it with MJ and MJ would chop her hands in half and then fold them in a prayer position and laugh. Then she would look at me and point and go,"YOU" and make the heart with me. It is so cute. She has also started kissing my hand good night. And she is not an affectionate child! It makes me smile.

I have gotten to know the older girls a lot more this past week! That is good. It has been harder to talk to them at time! They aren't as outgoing towards me. Pray that He will give me more ways to relate to them and talk to them and show them I care about them too!!!

The kids have started trying to teach me Vasayan phrases. Lol. It is really funny. They tease me a lot! But, It is good to learn from them. I forget a lot of them though. They say them so fast.

This past week God taught me a lot about patience and being laid back. One day I got mud all over my clothes. So I changed and started srubbing them. I got all the mud out after al ot of work and went to the put them on the line. I realized I missed a spot so I went to get the scrubber. I didn't realize there was mud on it though so I ended up scrubbing mud back on it and having to start all over. Then the next morning when I went to get them mud had gotten on my shorts again. haha. I was like,"I will conquer you shorts!" haha. I finally did but I was alittle frustrated. I have to learn just to shrug and go,"Yeah, that would happen to me!" haha.

The kids have a fascination with bugs. A lot of them will find huge spiders and keep them as pets in a match box. They will chase you with it or bring it to you. You have to know if you know me at all I don't like it! Also, this past week one of the kids had caught a cute little bird. He had attacked it by a string from the birds foot to his belt loop. They were torturing it and then they would throw it in my face. I didn't like that either! haha. Their fascination with bugs and animals kills me. But, I am learning to not be as frightened. This past week one night a lizard kept trying to get into my bed. I was so annoyed. They make these horrible noises too. So, eventually I had to get up and scare it away. I think it worked? I am not sure cause I fell to sleep after that! Lol. They are also fascniated with my sunburn and will sit and play with my skin. They will press on it to see the color difference go from white to red and will laugh hysterically. I am not sure if they really have ever seen a sunburn! Also, it isn't rude to burp here. It is actually a compliment. So, everytime we are eating I always hear people burping. lol. It's nasty!

Yesterday was a good day! The kids had a visitor come so they put on a concert. It was so good. A lot of the kids gave their testimony and I had to keep from crying. Their stories are so sad. Some of them were in Cebuano though so I couldn't understand them! It was a good day. Last night we went to the Banana Plantation with a visitor for dinner. They made us all the Filipino "delicacies". I tried squid, snail, fern...haha. It was all ok. Not great but it didnt' make me want to barf. Which is always good. The only thing I have had here that I cannot stand is Durian. It smells SO STRONG and the flavor stays in your mouth for hours. It is nasty. And they brought some out last night and placed it in front of us. We also did some karaoke. haha. That is a big thing over here. And, they all wanted to hear me sing once SArah and Cameron told them I could! I'm going to have to get them back because they have told me it's mandatory that I sing at church before I leave this place!!!

It is so hot here. I mean, REALLY hot. But, it has rained every night except one since I got here. Which cools things off. I am so thankful for the rain!

I feel like this blog is all over the place.I apologize! I hope you got some idea of what I was up to this week!!! Even though it is a little scattered! Thanks so much for keeping me in your prayers!!! I appreciate all of you so much!


Anonymous said...

Jess I love reading your blogs and I'm so happy for all that you are learning. I'm praying for you when I think about you and I can't wait until I see you again! We still need to go to the Cheesecake factory. :-)
Love you girl!!

Portuguese Man O' War said...

You are going to come away with a lot of battle wounds huh? Who knows, maybe you'll revert back to your Mississippi childhood days after this trip considering your experiences with mud, bugs, etc!

Nate said...


I just got done reading ALL of your blogs, haha, I had to catch up, and I have to say, thank you for serving the Lord in this capacity. You are a blessing to those people and the Lord is using you in countless ways! May God bless you in amazing ways and may he grant you HIS peace- Nathan

BHorton said...


I love reading about your adventures. Sounds like you need to take a little better care of yourself though.

You are doing a great job and impacting lives there and here too.

Love Dad

allcedars said...

"I will conquer you shorts!"

That made me laugh SO freakin' much! Hahahahaha. I miss you and your funny phrases.

It sounds like you are having an incredible time, and I know that God is using you.

Love you!

Carlye Jean Rankin said...

You are the craziest girl I know. Only all of those things would happen to you. lol I am so proud of you. You are teaching me so much and you are not even here. Thank you for your posts. I love to read about your adventures. I love you and I can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get back. Maybe we can get some COFFEE!!! I am so excited you are starting to like coffee. Well have a great week.