Monday, June 23, 2008

THis past week went by way faster than the previous two. That was good in some ways. Because, for the first time since I have been here I felt like I was actually accomplishing something worthwhile or doing something that will have some sort of lasting impact. I don't want to leave with this place being the same. I want it to be different because I came and because I was obeying Christ.

Last Monday we spent the day just relaxing. We watched Kung Fou Panda. It is a pretty cute/funny movie! I find though that I am kind of disenchanted with movies for the time being. They aren't the same here. Although, they only cost $2.00 here and you can watch them all day ify ou want. You can go from one to another one to another one. That is way different from the States. Then again, everything is. I ate too much last Monday though (which, really, isn't a lot. It isn't even as much as I ate before I came here). However, my stomach wasn't used to it and I was up all night long sick. I have to go easier on my stomach.

Tuesday we spent the day sanding down one of the guy's rooms and on Wednesday we painted it! It needed it so bad. The walls were dirty and losing their color. When we got done it looked like new! It was nice and exciting to do something that will last a while and that the kids got excited about. Plus, we had something to do while they were away at school. The workers there laughed at us and took our picture. They said that Filipino girls would never paint. They consider it a guy's work. They called us superwomen and "3 angels". haha. We got all sorts of nicknames from that one job. IT was pretty funny. It is harder painting a room over here. But, the house dad's (who are around our age) helped us rig up the paint rollers so they would reach the ceiling. They are all so inventive over here. The kids make their own kites out of things from all over the yard.

Also, Wednesday morning Mama C invited us to breakfast at her house. She said she knew what Americans liked to eat. So, we had eggs, bacon, toast and jam. She also gave us some coffee. I don't even like coffee, but that was the best drink I have ever had! I find I will eat or drink anything here. It was such a good breakfast. they are so kind to us. They would give us the clothes on their very back or their very last possession just to make us happy. They are a very kind people.

Thursday me and Cameron had to go renew our visas. Shannon followed us on a motorcycle to ensure we got their safely. On our way back were trying to get a cab. It is the best mode of transportation around here if you want to go a long distance. You can just tell them the location and you don't have to worry about a thing. It is a little more expensive but only costs about $3.00 in US money. Me and Cameron were told to catch the cab without air conditioning. It is about 5 times cheaper than the Aircon cabs. We headed towards some and got up to them realizing they were Aircon. However, the guy really wanted us to ride in his (so he could rip us off). He started pushing me into the cab. I had no idea what he was doing. I couldn't understand a word he was saying so I kept thinking he was trying to seperate me from Cameron. REally, he just really wanted our business. But, I started pushing back on him and eventually worked my way away from him. I am going to come back a tomboy, guys!!! Lol. No, not really. but, I have learned to be more independent, pushy and strong here. You just have to be. We eventually got a ride back in a different taxi. It was really hot that day too!

Friday we went up to the school and painted a wall with the kids there. The kids started painting themselves with the paint that won't come off with just water and soap. They were painting their faces, arms, hands, anything that wasn't covered. They were ruining their clothes (that they don't have much of). We couldn't communicate to them to stop. And none of the Filipino workers seemed to mind. Their disciplining system is a little different than in the United States. It was pretty funny. I think once the kisd realized the paint wouldn't come off they regretted it. they spent a long time pouring paint thinner all over themselves. lol.

Friday nights are movie night in the orphanage and we spent the night watching some old timey movie. It was really entertaining. The kids also practiced for church the next day. church was kind of crazy this week. We got there late and left right after the service was over.

Sunday's are the days we get to hang out with all the kids. It is a good day! I don't really get to see them much during the week except at night time when they are busy with their work. We spent the afternoon talking to the guy workers there and laughing as we watched the kids. It was really fun! They are fun to work with. They are the same age as us (practically) and so it is good to hang out with them. I am glad we can be friends with the staff here. We can help one another out. The language barrier still is one of the hardest things for me to cope with. Some days it is so frustrating. At times it just annoys me trying to talk to people but not being able to. And, when a kid keeps repeating the same sentence but you don't know what it means. Also, there are times the kids will cry and you cannot even know why. It breaks my heart. A lot of the kids were sad this past week about different things! It made me sad. Especially that I couldn't talk to them about it. The language barrier can also bring laughs though. Yesterday we were all sitting around talking and Warren came up to me. He said,"Jessica, do you have a boyfriend" I said,"YES!" And then he goes,"Well, can I borrow one?" I was thinking,"What is he talking about??? He wants to borrow my boyfriend?" So, I asked him to repeat it only to get hte same sentence from him. Finally he acted it out and I realized he wanted a ballpoint pen. haha. It was pretty funny. You cannot mention things you want in front of them. Yesterday we were talking about how we love chocolate and had been wanting some. Next thing we knew they went out and boutht us 24 pieces and told us to eat it. We ate a little bit (It was SO good too) but couldn't eat it all at once. They kept going, "Don't be shy. Eat it all!" haha. We couldn't get them to understand that we couldn't eat it all at once. But, they were so sweet to bring it to us. They also wanted us to try avocado yogurt. So they climbed a tree and cut it down for us and made us some dessert (the guy workers at the orphanage). It was really good!!! They gave me a nickname "Jessicabaca" because they said I am "so so cute". haha. I am not sure what all that means? But, it makes me laugh.

They are blown away at us wanting to get sun. THey don't understand why we would ever want to be anything but white. They think white is BEAUTIFUL over here.

Today, on our day off, we spent the morning over at Paradise Island. It is a beach resort. It is really nice. We finally got to eat cheeseburgers and fries. We layed out for a little while and then we got in the water. The beaches here are SO beautiful. THe water is completely clear. I also got a foot massage. IT was so nice! It was a good relaxing way to spend the morning.

I think I am getting a SLIGHT taste of what it is like to be a mother. I get no privacy when the kids are around (which is always). I haven't gotten to do ANYTHING by myself in three weeks. haha. It is kind of funny. I am also caring for the kids needs, helping them with their homework. But, it is a precious thing. And, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Though at times I would love to have a moment where someone isn't calling out my name or wanting my attention. I guess you moms out there can relate?

God has been so faithful with everything. He answers all of my prayers so quickly. He has shown me what a faithful Father He is and that when you are in His will doing what He wants you to do you will be taken care of. He has even taken care of me in ways I haven't asked him to. My prayer right now is that God will give me opportunities to share Him with others in ways other than just loving the kids at the orphanage. That is why I am here. And I am so thankful to do that! I love those children so much already and am thankful to have the opportunity to work with them and play with them! However, I also want some opportunities to share Christ with the lost. And, this past week God gave me that opportunity.

The first opportunity wasn't a lost person. But, a chance to encourage a girl outside of the orphanage who randomly came up to me and asked if she could talk to me. She was really upset. So, I told her that would be ok. We spent an hour with her telling me how her family was all lost. She was the only christian in her family and her family hated her for it. They wouldn't feed her. They refused to take care of her. They told her they hated her all the time. She cried as she told me this. She couldn't not understand very much english. But, I could understand her. I cried as she told me. I didn't even know what to say to help her. I have no understanding of what that would even be like. She asked me if my family were christians and I said Yes. She goes,"You don't realize how blessed you are!" I tried to encourage her to share Christ with her family no matter how hard it may hurt. THough I realized that me telling her to do this might cause her more harm from them. I cannot fathom this lifestyle. I prayed with her and told her I would pray for her everyday.

Today I went to Paradise Island. Most of the Filipinos there speak English. I decided to go get a foot massage. The girl who massaged my feet was only 20 years old. And out of nowhere she was asking if I was Roman Catholic. She told me she was and we started a conversation on how she believed all you had to do to get to heaven was to be "good" and go to church. I started sharing with her how that is such a hard way to live and asked if she thought she could live the kind of life where her "goodness" would get her to heaven. She frowned and looked at me and said,"No one is perfect. But, I am a pretty good person". I didn't want to come across as condescending. I didn't have my bible. But, I asked if she had ever read the book of Ephesians. I quoted Ephesians 2:8-9 about being saved only through God's grace and faith. I also quoted a verse from Romans about all you have to do to be lieve in God is "If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised him from the dead you will be saved". She looked kind of confused. I asked if she was. And, I tried to clarify. I am not big on just leading someone through the sinner's prayer when they don't really know what's happening to them. So, I left it at a mere discussion. It wasn't a very relaxing foot massage because I was giving my attention to the conversation. But, it was the most relaxing witnessing experience I have ever had because all I was doing was just having a conversation with her. She was a very sweet girl and when I left she wanted to give me her necklace. I wouldn't let her. But, I ask that you would pray for her. I cannot give out names on here really. I am not supposed to. Just pray for" De. God knows who she is. I pray that maybe someone will come along and talk to her again. I did tell her she should go read Ephesians and Romans. I am not sure if she will. She said she had never read the two books before! But she did own a Bible.

It was a start. I know I could've done more justice to the name of God than what I did today. But, it was a start. I pray God gives me more experiences to spread His name with those around. Even though I cannot speak the language. I was sad I didn't have a tract or something to leave with her. I needed SOMETHING! Next time I will go prepared!

I has been a good week! God has been so faithful and I know I keep growing a lot. There are days that it is still hard. It is still really weird to think I am even here. It is hard to remember life before I came here. lol. Pray that I will be strengthened. I am so tired lately. It is so hard to have energy for the kids when I am as tired as I am.

Another way God was faithful this week: I was wanting to talk to Nanay about what I could do around the house. I felt like I wasn't doing enough and that I could help lighten the load more. But Nanay doesn't speak english hardly at all. I was hoping she would come up and try to talk to me because I had already tried several times with her! Finally one morning I was playing with my alarm clock with MJ. She came ina nd asked what I was doing. I said,"Playing with my alarm clock" This started a conversation about how she couldn't sleep at night because she didn't have an alarm clock and she was up all night worried she wouldn't get the kisd up on time. I told her I would start setting it and waking her up so she could sleep in peace. FInally she also told me specific tasks I could do for her! This made me so happy!!!

Continue to pray I will love the kids the way I am supposed to. Several of them have been sad this past week about things that have gone on in their lives and it is rough! I don't know what to do for them and it is tough!

I think I have written enough for you all to read for now. I need to go shopping for some things for this next week! Thanks for keeping me in your prayers!!!


allcedars said...

wow,Jess. it sounds like you are learning a ton of stuff. I know God will continue to bless what you're doing there.

I love you!

BHorton said...


The young lady you ran into at the resort was an answer to prayer. You were faithful to God in your witness to her. Trust Him for the results.

One week closer to seeing you here again.

Love Dad

Portuguese Man O' War said...

Sounds action packed! And way to go with the taxi don't let anyone push you around! It sounds like you're definitely being stretched, and that's a great thing. So does this make me your ballpoint pen?

Bryan Bridges said...

That's awesome J. God sure is opening a ton of doors for you. Keep being faithful! I'm praying for you!


Carlye Jean Rankin said...

Hey Jess. I am so happy that I was able to get your blog address.
(Jonathan gave it to me.) I am so happy to be reading about what is going on with you. It is so awesome to see how the Lord is using you everyday while you are there. I am praying for you and now a bit more specifically. I am so proud of you. You have accomplished so much. I can't wait til you are home. I want to hear every detail. Love you. Keep pressing on. The Lord will guide you.